Receipt of investment project using the NGO aids

a) Executive order:

- Step 1: Managing agency assigns a unit or an organization to be in charge of the NGO aids.

- Step 2: The managing agency makes decision on establishment of the Preparation Board of the NGO aids (if necessary).

- Step 3: The agency holding the NGO aids coordinates with the Sponsor on compiling project documents of the technical assistance project in accordance with prescribed form.

- Step 4: The managing agency implements receipt procedures of the NGO aids (summits the competent authority for approval as prescribed).

b) Receipt method:

- Submit directly at the head offices of the State administrative agencies

- Submit through the postal system

c) Components of a record:

- A written request for approval of:

 + The agency is approving the NGO aids for the aids under the jurisdiction of the Prime Minister.

+ The managing agency (or the agency holding the NGO aids in case the managing agency directly manages the aids) for the NGO aids under the jurisdiction of the agency approving the NGO aids.

- The documents of the Sponsor are united with the contents of the NGO aids and notify or commit to consider funding for the NGO aids.

- Draft documents of program and the technical assistance project (in both Vietnamese and foreign language) and the draft documents of Agreement on the NGO aids (if required to sign replacing the draft documents of the program and the project later).

- A copy of the Business Registration Certificate and/ or a copy of the legal document on legal status of the Sponsor. The copies should be legalized by the Consulate in order to ensure the legitimacy of the documents.

d) Number of records:

- 08 sets in which at least 01 original set (For the NGO aids under the jurisdiction of the Prime Minister).

- In the case under the jurisdiction of the agency approving for the NGO aids: This agency approving the NGO aids self determines the number of records.

đ) Time limit for resolution:

The time limit shall not exceed 20 working days from the date of receiving enough valid records.

e) Executive agency:

- The competent agency has the right of making decision: the Prime Minister (the aids under the jurisdiction of the Prime Minister); the agency approving the NGO aids under the provisions of Decree 93/2009/ND-CP.

- The agency or the competent person authorized or decentralized to perform (if any)

- The agency directly implements administrative procedures:

+ The Department of Planning and Investment of the provinces and cities under the Central for the NGO aids under the jurisdiction of the Chairman of the provinces and cities under the Central;

+ The linking agencies in management and use of the NGO aids for the aids under the jurisdiction of other agencies and organizations under the provisions of Decree 93/2009/ND-CP.

g) Executive subjects of administrative procedures:

The organizations (defined in Article 4 of the Regulation on the management and utilization of the NGO aids, issued together with Decree No. 93/2009/ND-CP of the Government dated 22/10/2009).

h) Results of implementation of administrative procedures:

The document approved by the competent authority on the receipt of the NGO aids.

i) Fees (if any, and the document regulating charges and fees):


k) Name of the form, declaration form (attached):

Content of the project documents of the technical assistance project using the NGO aids

l) Requirements and conditions for the implementation of procedures (if any):


m) Legal basis of the administrative procedures:

Decree No. 93/2009/ND-CP dated 22/10/2009 of the Government promulgating the Regulation on the management and utilization of the NGO aids;

Circular 07/2010/TT-BKH dated 30/3/2010 of the Ministry of Planning and Investment guiding the implementation of Decree No. 93/2009/ND-CP dated 22/10/2009 of the Government.




(Name of the program)


1. Name of the program:

2. Branch code of the program 8: ................. The program number 9:...................

3. Name of the Sponsor:

4. The agency approving the aids:

a) Contact address: ............ b) Phone/Fax: ...............

5. The managing agency:

a) Contact address: ............ b) Phone/Fax: ...............

6. The owner of the program:

a) Contact address: ............ b) Phone/Fax: ...............

7. Expected duration of the program:

a) Contact address: ............ b) Phone/Fax: ...............

8. Location of the program 10:

9. Total funds of the project: ..............USD

g) The non-refundable NGO aids: ............... original currency, equivalent to................ USD

(According to the exchange rate announced by the State Bank of Vietnam at the time of compiling the project documents)

h) Counterpart funds:

- Cash: ................................ VND, equivalent to................  USD

- Artifacts: equivalent................................ VND, equivalent to................   USD

10. Objectives and main results of the project

Summary of the objectives and results of the project

The Owner of the project                                               Day… month… year

The Sponsor (Signature and seal) (if necessary)        Day… month… year 








7 Applied to the program, the project with many components, areas and only one managing agency

8 National economic branch code of the program, according to List of Economic System of Vietnam 2007 (issued along with Decision No. 10/2007/QD-TTg dated 23/01/2007 of the Prime Minister)

9 The program number – is not compulsory, can be supplied by the Sponsor

10 The number of years or months is expected to finish the program from the date that the program comes into effect

1. Forming basis of the project

d)    Legal basis of the project

a)    Decision of the Agency approving the NGO aids

b)    Decision of the managing agency for the owner of the project

c)    Other relevant legal documents.

e)    Framework of the project

a) Describe role, position and necessity of the project within framework of planning and development plan of the areas related and the beneficiaries of the NGO aids (agencies, branches, areas, locals)

b) Give an overview of the similar programs and projects have been implemented in the areas under the jurisdiction of the managing agencies and the programs, the projects have been received in the same area in order to avoid duplication and ensure the coordination and sharing the results between the projects to promote maximum efficiency

f) Give an overview of the issues needed to be solved within the scope of the project proposed

g) Specify the direct beneficiaries of the project proposed

2. Basis to propose the Sponsor

1. Describe suitability of the objectives of the project with the policies and preferred orientations of the Sponsor.

2. Analyze reasons for the selection and the Sponsor's advantages in technology, experience in the management and consultancy of policies in the area aided.

3. Describe binding conditions prescribed by the Sponsor (if any) and the ability to meet the conditions of Vietnam.

3. The objectives of the project

1. Long-term objective

Describe efficiency, long-term benefits that the project contributes to the development of society, branches, locals and relevant groups.

2. Short-term objective

Describe the achievements of the project in order to meet the direct needs of the beneficiaries, thereby supporting to achieve long-term objectives.

4. The main results of the project

       Specify the final result of the project and the indicators of those results

5. Components and activities of the project

1. Describe the implementation plan of components or sub-projects (if any) and corresponding activities of the project in accordance with the following contents:

- Purposes

- Expected results

- Implementation

- Commence and cessation of the project 

- Estimated human resources

2. Describe the relationship between the component projects (if any) or the components of the program.

6. Budget of the project

1. Total budget of the project: ..............USD

In which:

a) The non-refundable NGO aids: .... original currency, equivalent to.... USD

(According to the exchange rate announced by the State Bank of Vietnam at the time of compiling the project documents)

b) Counterpart funds: ................................ VND, equivalent to USD

In which: - Artifacts: equivalent to......... VND

-Cash: .........VND

The fund is mobilized in one or several of the following forms:

- The State budget fund......... VND (... %) of total counterpart funds

(Including the central budget fund ......%, the local budget fund....... %)

- The fund of the managing agency............ VND (... %) of total counterpart funds

- Self-balanced fund of the owner of the project......... VND (... %) of total counterpart funds

- Fund contributed by the beneficiaries (if any)........ VND (... %) of total counterpart funds

2. Fund structure according to: consulting services (estimating proportion of domestic/ international experts), training (in domestic, foreign); equipment and materials (in domestic, imported), expenditure on creation of funds for implementing the activities of the project (if any), the management cost; project supervision and evaluation cost, project audit and other costs.

7. Provisions on financial management of the project

5. Form of disbursement (via treasury, special account or advance account ...)

6. Accounting and settlement organization

7. Responsibility of fund management (account opening, account holders ...)

8. Project audit

8. Organization for the management and implementation of the project

1. Organizational structure

a) Organization for the management and implementation of the project model as agreed with the Sponsor

b) The activities of the Management Board of the project shall comply with Circular No. ... /2010/TT-BKH dated………. on Guidance on the implementation of the Regulation on the management and use of the NGO aids issued along with Decree No. 93/2009/ND-CP dated 22/10/2009.

2. Coordination mechanism

a) Coordination between the managing agency, the owner of the projects, the Management Board of the project (The Management Board of sub-project)

b) Coordination between the agencies involved in the project and the Sponsor and other agencies during the process of implementation of the project.

3. Organization and implementation capability of the owner of the project assigned to implement the project.

9. Supervision and evaluation of the project

1. Develop detailed plans to supervise the implementation of the project on the following aspects:

a) The implementation of the project

b) The management of the project

c) Information processing  

2. Develop detailed plans to evaluate the implementation of the project

a) Initial evaluation

b) Mid-term

c) Final evaluation

3. Supervision and reporting regime of the project

Comply with the provisions of Circular No. ... / 2010/TT-BKH dated…….. on Guidance on the implementation of the Regulation on the management and use of the NGO aids issued along with Decree No. 93/2009/ND-CP dated 22/10/2009

10. Impacts of the project

1. Analyze the impacts of the project on the beneficiaries (direct and indirect)

State the benefits to the beneficiaries when the project is finished (qualitative and quantitative)

2. Specify the economic, social and environmental impacts when the project is finished. 

a) Describe the economic – social impacts of the project: reduce poverty, create jobs and income for local people, upgrade infrastructure....

b) Describe the environmental impacts of the project

3. The impacts on gender

11. Risks

Evaluate the risks that may occur and state measures to overcome the risks.

12. Evaluation of sustainability of the project when the project is finished.

Evaluate the sustainability of the project in terms of:

1. Sustainability on results: the results of the project are maintained and developed when the project is finished.

2. Sustainability on the organization: the organizational structure, human resources of the project are guaranteed to be able to continue when the project is finished.

3. Sustainability on finance: the project’s activities can generate funds to continue other necessary activities after the sponsorship ended.

4. Sustainability on environment: natural environment around the project area is preserved when the project is finished.

The project documents can be attached to some appendices below:

16. Detail outline of each component project or each component

17. List of equipment provided to the implementation of the project

18. Logical framework of the project

19. Provisions on work assignment of the key positions and consultancy services

20. Tables including summary tables and details of the project budget

21. Illustration images

22. Maps

23. Other relevant documents

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Khác Rikvip



Trung tâm Xúc tiến Đầu tư và Hỗ trợ Doanh nghiệp 

Địa chỉ: Số 8, đường Chùa Chuông, phường Hiến Nam, thành phố Hưng Yên, tỉnh Hưng Yên

Điện thoại: (0221) 3524 666 


Giấy phép số: 29/GP-TTĐT của Sở Thông tin và Truyền thông ngày 21 tháng 8 năm 2019 

Chịu trách nhiệm nội dung: ông Phạm Đức Hòa  – Phó Giám đốc phụ trách điều hành

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